Kevin Anthony & G-Town has nine different shows or sets during the month of April. Kevin and the band are going to be hustling like crazy and we are hoping y’all will come along for the wild ride. So, with that in mind, we are going to play a little game in April.
You can find all the shows we are playing on our website or on Facebook:
For every show you come to in April, you get a button. Collect more buttons for bigger and better prizes!
- button: You get a button! (They are pretty dang cool buttons)
- buttons: A Jump the Fence album download card
- buttons: We'll make a ringtone out of your favorite song of ours
- buttons: Kevin sings you a song on your voicemail message (Think Seinfeld's “George isn't at home”)
- buttons: A booklet put together by the band with the stories and inspiration behind the songs on Jump the Fence
- buttons: We'll make you a unique show poster with your name on it!
- buttons: We'll make you a one of a kind T-shirt
- buttons: We'll play you a show for free (at a mutually agreeable time and place)
- buttons: Grand prize! We'll write a song about you! (no guarantees on quality or time frame for when the song will be finished)
All you have to do to collect your button is talk to one of the band members during a break or before or after every show you go to in April. To claim your prize, take a picture of yourself wearing all the buttons you collected and post it on Facebook and tag Kevin Anthony & G-Town!
(Fine print: No cheating! You can’t just have all your friends come to one show and get buttons for you. We’ll be keeping track! Only one button per person, per show!)